PR for small business

The Quick Fix for Your Marketing (Why that Next Big Thing is a Crap Idea)

marketingquickfix.jpgHave you ever been on a weight loss program? Most of us have been there at some point. You are pumped up, ready to roll and shed those pounds.

Hello, healthier new you!

I should know. I’ve definitely been on a few myself. I can talk to you about calories, points and how very bad prepackaged diet program food tastes.

After years of this, I realized that no matter what I do, there’s no quick fix. In fact, there are few quick fixes in life at all, most things require a lot of heart and hustle to get you where you want to go.

So, when it comes to marketing, stop looking for the quick fix. It doesn’t exist.

That’s me, killer of dreams. Excuse me while I point out that your rainbow is merely an optical illusion.

Truly great marketing takes time and effort. Period.

This Time Will Be Different (Yeah, Right)

Marketing from traffic strategies to copywriting to promotion are an integral part of our business, and it’s far too easy to get stuck in the weeds. So instead, we’ll go looking for the quick fix. A program with a big name. A service provider with promises. A sweet new traffic strategy that really works.

And we think: “this is the one, it is going to be different this time…”

All of these things are us chasing. They are the cabbage soup diet equivalent of marketing. Us buying a dream because damn it, who doesn’t want skinnier thighs or washboard abs.

[Tweet “Be smart. Steer clear of the cabbage soup diet equivalent of marketing. via @magspatterson”]

Not to be doom and gloom, but for every success story, there’s way more failures. Those spectacular, complete massive blow out failures are what doesn’t get talked about.

If you are going to make it, you are going to need a whole lot of time in and a heaping dose of patience.

Ditch the Quick Fix and Thrive

When clients come to me, the very first thing that I look for is how they talk about working with me. Are they looking for me to be their ticket to fame and fortune, or are they seeking out a partner to help them grow in the mid to long-term?

The best marketing work I can do, and you can do for yourself, is by understanding that there is no such thing as an overnight success story or quick fix. You need to dig in, have a master plan and keep testing and correcting on that plan.

What’s the best way to do that? Stop yourself.

Run everything through your BS detector, and if you don’t have a strong filter, find a business bestie that will give it to you straight.

That little bugger Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) or her friend Comparsionitis can quickly drive us to the tender and warm embrace of a quick fix.

[Tweet “Is FOMO or comparisonitis driving you into the warm embrace of a marketing quick fix? via @magspatterson”]

I’m guilty of it too. I’m currently on hiatus and sporting a big sticker on me that says “Warning: Not allowed to create anything new, sign up for anything new and please do not take her money via PayPal.”

Being aware of my quick fix issues along with realizing I have raging case of FOMO helped me develop a mental checklist to stop myself before I hit buy or book a consult:

  • Does this person walk their own walk? Are they legit? Have they done this for more than one person other than themselves? What successes can they point to?
  • How will investing this money serve my business? What’s the expected ROI from this investment?
  • How could this serve my business goals?

Going through that list really kicks in the old sober second thought and stops me in my tracks 95% of the time.

Instead of spending my time coaching and doing programs, I’m working on my business (you know, doing client work) and things have never been better.

Do I want you to stop investing? No.

But I would encourage you to become more aware of when you’re seeking your quick fix because other forces are at play. It’s made a big difference to me and forced me to get a lot more particular about my expectations, along with how I spend my time and money.

Now, excuse me, I’ve got cabbage soup to make.

[Tweet “Stop yourself with @magspatterson’s avoid the quick fix checklist “]