We’re wrapping up the Brilliant Basics series today with a solo episode with yours truly! In this episode I give some concrete ideas on how to promote yourself without wanting to puke.
Items Discussed in this Episode:
- The internal politics of promoting yourself and why you need to get your head in the game
- Why you just need to start doing it, because if you want to play the game, you need to promote
- Three ways to get started
- The power of your local media and how to position yourself as an expert
- Getting on stage as a powerful way to build a following with face-t0-face interaction
- Leveraging guest posting to become an authority and boost your credibility
- My own experience with promoting myself and how it has impacted my business growth
Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode:
- Promoting yourself is not easy for a lot of us and that’s a-okay. You just need to get over it and get moving.
- Pick one thing to really focus on – speaking, guest posting, local media – so you don’t get overwhelmed. Your job is not to promote yourself full time, so nail one area before you move on.
- Promoting yourself can yield big rewards. I’ve seen it in my own business and with my clients, but it’s not a quick fix. Good things take time and patience.
Links in this Episode: