PR for small business

Summer Lovin’: Giving Lifestyle Entrepreneurs the Middle Finger

blog 6.19If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re likely asking yourself how you’re going to balance everything over the Summer. It may be your kids or just ensuring you have enough “fun”….but it’s kind of intimidating isn’t it?

I’ll admit, this is an item of much discussion in my house as my husband’s shifts have changed which means no support from him during work hours Monday to Friday. It’s unexpected so I’m left to patchwork things together so my 10-year old mini me is entertained and I don’t go insane in the process as I run my business full-time.

Welcome to reality. 

It’s not 4-hour work weeks or 7-figure passive income streams. Or glitz and glamour as you travel the world. Enough with the steady diet of easy lifestyle entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is hard and we are consistently fed a steady diet of this lifestyle dream that exists for only a few. Over here in the real world, these concepts are like magical unicorns we’re all chasing and we have this underlying guilt when we work too much.

Even if you simply want to spend your days sipping margaritas poolside or hanging from a rock cut, unless you have a plan in place, that’s just not going to happen. Last time I checked, someone needs to do the work.

A Heavy Dose of Summer Entrepreneurial Guilt

The last thing any entrepreneur needs is guilt over how they are spending their time as they build their business. All that hustle and heart should totally be respected and not diminished. Especially going into the Summer when we may be forced to make choices.

[Tweet “Summertime isn’t all glitz and glam – don’t feel guilty about your hard choices with @magspatterson “]

Yes, we are in charge. We are the B-O-S-S. And sometimes being the big kahuna means we’re going to kick off midday for some fun, but other days it means we’re going to have to pull a 17 hour work day sunshine be damned to deliver on time.

But it is so worth it, right?

Here’s three things I totally endorse as things to help you get more out of your summer as a guilt-free, summer’ loving entrepreneur.

1. Wildheart Community

Have you ever looked around a community and thought…this is so not my scene? If you are a ruler breaker, freedom seeker and want a place to work on your business, life and love…Sally Hope’s Wildheart community is where you need to be. Get on her list so you can stay in the know and get in on her next intake into the community.

2. How Not to (Summer) Break Your Business

Mamas, my friend Megan Flatt has put together an awesome guide designed to help you stay on track and run your business this summer. I’m using Megan’s guide to help keep me from breaking…and you can get her free guide here.

3. Get Help

Hey you, Wonder Woman, put down your lasso. Stop trying to do it all on your own. Sometimes we need to get help so we can keep things moving during certain times. There are no bonus points for going it alone. Take out your notebook and write down everything you need to do. Then figure out where you may be able to get help. Be brutal about it. If you need help with taming your to-do list, check out this service from April Sullivan.

Let’s all vow to be guilt-free, give people preaching “easy lifestyle” the middle finger and enjoy fun in the sun while we can.

[Tweet “Why I’m vowing to be a guilt-free entrepreneur this summer with @magspatterson”]

PR for small business The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #22 – Sally Hope on Building a Community of Wildhearts

podcast 22Renegade life coach and leader of the Wildheart Revolution joins us today as a guest expert on building community via social media. The Wildheart Community, which I am part of, is a community of people that don’t want to play by the rules and live life their way.

Items discussed in this episode:

  • What is a Wildheart and who it is meant for
  • How Sally is using Facebook to drive her Wildheart community
  • The role of community in Sally’s business and support system
  • Why Sally loves creating community and the beauty of community
  • The value of community to get feedback and test/share ideas
  • Why you need to be active in communities before you dive into building your own
  • Using community as an alternative to higher priced offerings
  • Sally’s anti-niche approach to community
  • When conventional wisdom doesn’t apply to YOUR business
  • The beauty of communities for introverts

[Tweet “Community is everything according to @sallyhopesays. Talking commmunity on #marketingmoxie with @magspatterson #podcast “]

Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode:

  1. Take a look at how you are using communities today in your business and can be more active.
  2. Assess if you can use communities in your business and understand what’s involved before you get started.
  3. Understand the signs of when conventional wisdom doesn’t not apply to your business and be willing to experiment.








Links in this Episode:

Sally Hope

The Wildheart Revolution – Learn More

PR for small business The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #21 – Jenn Scalia on Growing Your Audience with Instagram

podcast 21 6.10More real-life successes today as part of the Social Media Smackdown, with love and relationship coach Jenn Scalia sharing her tips for Instagram.

I had the opportunity to work with Jenn earlier this year on her guest posting, so it’s been very exciting to watch her grow in her business and Instagram has been a big part of this. She’s gone from 1500 followers in January to more than 13,000 followers on Instagram with her unique approach using quotes related to her business along with a bit of her personality.



Items Discussed in this Episode:

  • How Jenn started as Instagram as fun way to share her quotes
  • The way she shifted her focus so Instagram could support her brand
  • Specific ways Instagram has impacted her business
  • The importance of understanding your audience and what they want
  • Things to do every day on Instagram to help you reach more people and build your audience
  • Why you need to start following people, like and comment actively to let people know you are there
  • Jenn’s hashtag strategy for Instagram
  • Creating your own unique hashtag(s) for your business
  • How Jenn is driving people back to her site for her ebook, free calls and more from Instagram

Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode:

  1. Keep Instagram FUN! It is quick, easy and you shouldn’t be overthinking it.
  2. Focus on figuring out what your audience really needs and deliver that.
  3. Use Instaquote to create branded quotes for your business.








Links in this Episode:

Jenn Scalia

Jenn on Instagram


How to Make Your Business #Instafamous by Using Instagram

Maggie on Instagram (Warning: BRAND NEW account!)

PR for small business

The Moxie Minute: My Marketing is Killing Me!

moxie minute

PR for small business The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #19 – Picking Your Social Platforms with Stacey Harris

picking your social platforms For the next few weeks we are doing a deep dive on social media with a focus on putting it in its rightful place in our marketing mix.

We’re kicking off the Social Media Smackdown Series today on the show with social media guide The Stacey Harris. Our topic is picking your social platforms and much more!

Items Discussed in this Episode:

  • Why you should be everywhere…but not
  • The role of your ideal client and understanding their needs
  • Why Stacey likes Google+ especially if you have a strong video component
  • The need to diversify your eggs instead of having them all in one basket
  • Tweaking your content for each social media platform
  • Stacey’s favorite social networks
  • Assessing what’s converting for you using Google Analytics to make the most of your time invested on social networks
  • The role of groups and 1:1 interaction
  • Why you need to be human on social media
  • The importance of being yourself and having the power to repel the wrong clients
  • Experts, gurus and figuring out if people are the real deal or not
  • Do your homework because perception is not reality on social media
  • Stacey’s take on social media “rules”
  • Figuring out what’s aligned with you and your brand to avoid the shoulds
  • How becoming a podcaster is easier than you think
  • Avoiding social media time suck

[Tweet “People don’t buy from logos, they buy from people. @thestaceyharris via @magspatterson”]

Top 3 Takeaways For this episode:

  1. Pick two primary and two secondary networks so can manage your time.
  2. Measure and track. Find out what is actually working for your business and understand your referral traffic in Google Analytics.
  3. Remember that leveraging community and relationships come first on social media.








Links in This Episode:

The Stacey Harris

Rock Star Guide to Google+

Authenticity Blog Post

Stop the Marketing Shoulds

PR for small business

The Quick Fix for Your Marketing (Why that Next Big Thing is a Crap Idea)

marketingquickfix.jpgHave you ever been on a weight loss program? Most of us have been there at some point. You are pumped up, ready to roll and shed those pounds.

Hello, healthier new you!

I should know. I’ve definitely been on a few myself. I can talk to you about calories, points and how very bad prepackaged diet program food tastes.

After years of this, I realized that no matter what I do, there’s no quick fix. In fact, there are few quick fixes in life at all, most things require a lot of heart and hustle to get you where you want to go.

So, when it comes to marketing, stop looking for the quick fix. It doesn’t exist.

That’s me, killer of dreams. Excuse me while I point out that your rainbow is merely an optical illusion.

Truly great marketing takes time and effort. Period.

This Time Will Be Different (Yeah, Right)

Marketing from traffic strategies to copywriting to promotion are an integral part of our business, and it’s far too easy to get stuck in the weeds. So instead, we’ll go looking for the quick fix. A program with a big name. A service provider with promises. A sweet new traffic strategy that really works.

And we think: “this is the one, it is going to be different this time…”

All of these things are us chasing. They are the cabbage soup diet equivalent of marketing. Us buying a dream because damn it, who doesn’t want skinnier thighs or washboard abs.

[Tweet “Be smart. Steer clear of the cabbage soup diet equivalent of marketing. via @magspatterson”]

Not to be doom and gloom, but for every success story, there’s way more failures. Those spectacular, complete massive blow out failures are what doesn’t get talked about.

If you are going to make it, you are going to need a whole lot of time in and a heaping dose of patience.

Ditch the Quick Fix and Thrive

When clients come to me, the very first thing that I look for is how they talk about working with me. Are they looking for me to be their ticket to fame and fortune, or are they seeking out a partner to help them grow in the mid to long-term?

The best marketing work I can do, and you can do for yourself, is by understanding that there is no such thing as an overnight success story or quick fix. You need to dig in, have a master plan and keep testing and correcting on that plan.

What’s the best way to do that? Stop yourself.

Run everything through your BS detector, and if you don’t have a strong filter, find a business bestie that will give it to you straight.

That little bugger Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) or her friend Comparsionitis can quickly drive us to the tender and warm embrace of a quick fix.

[Tweet “Is FOMO or comparisonitis driving you into the warm embrace of a marketing quick fix? via @magspatterson”]

I’m guilty of it too. I’m currently on hiatus and sporting a big sticker on me that says “Warning: Not allowed to create anything new, sign up for anything new and please do not take her money via PayPal.”

Being aware of my quick fix issues along with realizing I have raging case of FOMO helped me develop a mental checklist to stop myself before I hit buy or book a consult:

  • Does this person walk their own walk? Are they legit? Have they done this for more than one person other than themselves? What successes can they point to?
  • How will investing this money serve my business? What’s the expected ROI from this investment?
  • How could this serve my business goals?

Going through that list really kicks in the old sober second thought and stops me in my tracks 95% of the time.

Instead of spending my time coaching and doing programs, I’m working on my business (you know, doing client work) and things have never been better.

Do I want you to stop investing? No.

But I would encourage you to become more aware of when you’re seeking your quick fix because other forces are at play. It’s made a big difference to me and forced me to get a lot more particular about my expectations, along with how I spend my time and money.

Now, excuse me, I’ve got cabbage soup to make.

[Tweet “Stop yourself with @magspatterson’s avoid the quick fix checklist “]

PR for small business

How to Actually #$@$# Promote Yourself (Without Feeling Like a Sleaze Bucket)

getstarted2_2_2-001.jpgAs an entrepreneur, so much marketing, so little time. So it’s easy to put off promoting yourself because, it is like, totally freakin’ scary.

I know. Even I get a little queasy sometimes when it comes time to put myself out there. While I’ve got experience in the trenches doing it for other people, it still can set my teeth on edge and give me a hardcore case of the sweats.

Why? Because it can feel shameless. Look at me, how awesome I am! I am a whip smart, expert ninja rockstar! I instantly think…oh please sit down already.

Normal people ALL feel that way, especially when it comes to building a personal brand. I say “normal” because those of you that love it, I just don’t get you. (I still love you, I just don’t get WHY you’d want to put yourself out there…)

Fact. To play the game, you need to promote yourself. It’s that simple.

[Tweet “To play the game you’ve got to promote. @magspatterson has ideas on how to do it without the ick “]

You need to give your fear a talking to and just get going. (And if you need a pep talk, we’ve got your back over in my The Playground group on Facebook. Join us.)

Where the #$@$# Do I Start?

First things first. You need to start somewhere. So if you are brand new to this whole “promoting” yourself thing, think of it like a pyramid. You are going to start by creating a solid foundation that you can build on over time. Where a local media opportunity leads to bigger things, or your guest post on a niche site helps you work up to the big one you’ve been eyeing up.

Promoting yourself takes patience. I know you want it all RIGHT NOW, but consistency and creating a great personal brand will take time to unfold. No overnight success stories here.

Here’s three of my favorite ways to get started and start putting yourself out there. Use them individually or all together:

Working with Your Local Media

Local media outlets including newspapers, magazines, TV and radio offer you a great way to build your profile. Acting as an expert that can comment on issues, provide timely news and offer story ideas are a great way to secure coverage.

Get to know the key players in your local media market and build relationships so they can use you as a go-to source for information on specific topics. If you are tech expert, you can comment on the latest iPhone or a lawyer can comment on a high profile legal matter. The key is to position yourself as an expert and then be highly responsive to their requests.

Taking the Stage

Getting out there in front of an audience helps you reach new audiences and build connections. Seek out local business or networking organizations and see if they are looking for speakers. Also, keep an eye out for “Calls for Papers” for shows within your industry or in your community.

Once you identify possible places to speak, you will want to develop a series of topics you can address, a summary of about 100 words for each and a short speaker’s bio.

Get Guest Posting

Guest posting is where you get to be the special guest star on a blog by providing them with content that showcases your expertise. Research targets online that accept article or guest posts and look for any writer’s guidelines on their site.

From there, review the publication and then identify stories that would be a fit for their audience. Finally, send the blogger or community manager an email to pitch your idea. Once your pitch is accepted, you’ll need to write the article and submit it. You can learn more about guest posting on my new niche site, called Get Guest Posting.

Pick your poison and get to work! How are you going to promote yourself, share in the comments below? Or if you are already, what’s been most effective?

[Tweet “”3 sleaze free ways to promote you and your business with @magspatterson”]

PR for small business

Why DIY PR Totally Works

DIY PR_2_2-001.jpgThere’s been a whole string of articles lately on how the media are sick of dealing with PR people. As someone who’s worked in the PR trenches for years doing hands-on media relations this is nothing new.

In the past, I always felt like this articles calling for no PR involvement and more transparency weren’t directed at me because I’ve never been the typical crappy PR person who smiles and dials.

Long ago, I started refusing to engage in things like “call downs” where you call a list of reporters to pitch them a story or the practice of “spray and pray” where you blast out an email pitch or press release to a list of people. (Yes, that’s me not playing by the rules. Surprising, I know.)

For some reason, lately I’ve really taking these articles such as this one from Medium and this one on First Round Review to heart. And then you add Mark Cuban to the mix… do you know how much I heart Mark Cuban? Back in 2012, he wrote a piece on how startups shouldn’t hire PR firms which makes some insanely valid points. (And that’s saying something as someone who grew up in a PR firm working for startups.)

While I think there’s a time and a place for smart PR people to help you and your business get on the map, the world has changed. You don’t need a publicist or PR rep for you to get started.

The Media Are More Accessible Than You Realize

If we go on a quick trip in the wayback machine, back then you needed PR to help you get connected using their relationships and their fancypants media databases. Today, you can easily find most contact info in the matter of a few clicks while reading everything the reporter has ever written.

You have the information you need at your fingertips. You just need to learn how to use it and as a business owner if you can master pitching, you’ll stand out.

The sad, sad reality is that most of the “pitches” reporters receive suck. So if you can formulate a solid pitch, you’ll be able to rise to the top of the pack.

Add a solid pitch to the fact that you as the owner, the actual person they are going to be speaking with, is contacting them and you are winning. Your chances of a yes are increasing greatly.

The media want to hear from you. They want the direct line to the source and not publicist controlling the interaction.

[Tweet “The media wants to hear from you and not your publicist. @magspatterson elaborates “]

That’s not to say you should run out and pitch the Wall Street Journal today, as you need some credibility as a source, but start where you are today. Get your website in order so that when you do pitch the editor doesn’t burst out laughing. (For more on this, grab The Press Kit Principle Guide.)

Relationships, Press Releases and Other PR BS

Maybe the idea of pitching the media makes you feel a little queasy. I get it. I seriously do. I’ve personally been doing it forever, (or at least it feels that way) and there’s still that little moment of apprehension. It’s healthy, and that wee bit of fear makes you ensure things are pitch perfect.

Maybe part of your fear around pitching yourself is fueled by some of the big myths that PR people spread in the impulse for self-preservation.

Let’s quickly debunk my three favorites.

1. You need a publicist for relationships. Sure a publicist or PR pro can get you connected, but you don’t necessarily need them. Yes, relationships are useful, but if your story blows and you are a terrible spokesperson, all the relationships in the world don’t matter. Not to mention, even the best PR person only has so many relationships, so don’t hire anyone based on their relationships. Hire them because they have a track record and can deliver the goods. Not because they can name drop like a D-list celeb.

2. You need to do press releases. No and no. More explanation here. 9/10 times you don’t need a press release. Anyone selling you a press release package is stuck in the 90s or straight up shady business. Oh and while we’re debunking this one, a press release posted on a big name site is NOT media coverage for your “as seen on”. Tacky, tacky, tacky. Be better than that.

3. DIYing your PR makes you look like small potatoes. This is one I used to tell my clients all the time (and I did fully believe this) but it’s patently untrue here in 2014. DIYing your media relations makes you smart. Do you want to to be the one building that relationship with your #1 trade reporter or your publicist? Exactly. Plus, you are probably the most qualified person to tell your story, even if you need a bit of help to refine it.

There you have it. You totally can and should be working with the media (and bloggers) to raise your profile.

If you want some help getting started, check out my brand spanking new website dedicated to Guest Posting or the revamped Marketing Moxie package.

[Tweet “Press releases are straight out of the 90s. @magspatterson explains #PR #socialPR “]

Grow Your Business Online PR for small business

The Marketing Shoulds – What’s On Your List?

I recently did a podcast interview and we got to talking about my take on the marketing shoulds. You know the idea that you should do this, or you should do that to build your business.

The next thing you are shoulding all over yourself and you feel all kinds of wrong.

And why? Because someone told you should.

I don’t know about you, but the day I jumped out of the plane with no parachute and quit my super comfy career complete with fancy title and paycheck, it was because I didn’t want to be told what I should do for another second.

So why are you letting the shoulds run your business?

That case of the shoulds is what has you running around trying to be on 7 social networks and launching a million things without a plan. Without an idea of how they really map to your big picture goals.

Save the shoulds for suckers who don’t know better.

[Tweet “Stop shoulding all over yourself. Do this instead. New post with @magspatterson “]

Best Practices are a Starting Point

But Maggie? What about best practices? If so and so says to do it, they are successful so I should too.

See how that works? Before you know it, you’re running a business based on the success of someone else who in all actual fact is not at all like you at all. Or has a different market. Or flexible ethics.

Did you get into this business to do exactly what someone else tells you?

Best practices or shoulds are like the 101 course on how to do things. Learn the principles and take it and make it your own.

Your willingness and ability to make it your own is where the rubber meets the road for your business.

Here’s some common business and marketing shoulds that I decided simply aren’t for me:

  1. Popups on websites. So. Annoying.
  2. 49 page long sales letters.
  3. Pricing where I have to hit the buy button to see the cost. Also, pricing where I have to watch 20 minute of video to get the price.
  4. Sending me the “wrong link” and another email with a special offer right after with an apology. Please.
  5. Hating on one-on-one work and trading time for dollars.
  6. Drivebys where you stop by a group with your salesy post and can’t be bothered to participate any other time.
  7. Talking about six figures as a goal.
  8. Sales conversations that tell me I can’t afford not to do something.
  9. Acting like everyone should be an entrepreneur or expert. Some people, just no.
  10. Kissing ass to get ahead. Not now. Not ever.

What’s your list of things that you aren’t going to do? That you won’t accept? That you want to do better for your marketing and your business?

Afterall, it is YOUR business, not the million dollar making expert or the latest it girl. Hit me in the comments with some of your shoulds that have got to go.

[Tweet “Are you running a business based on shoulds? @magspatterson wants to know what’s got to go. “]

Want Help Clearing Up Your Shoulds?

Check out the brand spanking new Marketing Makeover package. This package is designed to give you a marketing kick in the ass to help you get over the shoulds and lay out an action plan. It’s like a trip to an awesome hairstylist who changes your look and boosts your confidence.

You can get the goods and pricing on this limited time package. (And no, that’s not me being cheeky, I really only have a couple spots due to ongoing work.)


PR for small business

The Moxie Minute: How Do I Get Started With PR?

moxie minute