It’s time for a math lesson – or maybe it’s a plea for us to all pay attention to the math so we can run more productive and profitable businesses.
Items Discussed in this Episode:
- We’re almost at the mid point of the year, which is when we start to look at where we are in terms of our ‘big goal’
- We may find ourselves doing something drastic to try and get to our goal, and this can be dangerous
- Before you do anything, please stop and ‘do the math’
- Conversion is the secret sauce in your business on what will take you from good to great
- Sometimes you need to look inside your business instead of outside for programs or coaches to help you reach your goal
- Don’t be afraid of the numbers and the math, they might end up being the best thing to happen to your business
- Google has a lot of tools we can use to dig into where we’re missing steps in our business and on our site
- Don’t lose site of the big picture and what really matters, don’t get carried away by the numbers and lose the soul of your business. You can have both!
[Tweet “Please do the math. It’ll save you biz bacon. @magspatterson explains. “]