I’m using a loose definition of what it means to be “unconventional” but this show is a solo episode talking about 1:1 work and how in these crazy Internet circles, it shouldn’t make us feel dirty. In a world of passive income and punching time for dollars in the face, all that “shoulding” can majorly mess with business.
Items Discussed in this Episode:
- Although there is a lot of Internet support for passive income, offering one-on-one work still has value. We shouldn’t apologize for doing what we do.
- Why you NEED to do some 1:1 work whe you are starting out and how I’ve seen things go wrong by assuming you can sell something easily on the web.
- My confession of how I bought into the “you need a program advice” and how that worked out for me.
- Ideas for including 1:1 work in your business – especially when you are starting out.
- Breaking out common challenges with one-on-one work and some workarounds.
- The big benefits of doing 1:1 work to build a foundation for the future.
The ONE BIG Takeaway for this Episode:
If you’re doing 1:1 work, it’s okay! If you’re not, and you’re having trouble finding a niche or paying the bills, please consider 1:1 work as a solution. You aren’t doing anything wrong – embrace it. Use it as a testing ground for bigger and better things in months and years to come.