content marketing strategy social proof The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #60 – Crafting Customer Proof That Sells For You

Crafting-customer-proof-that-sells-for-you (1)

Too often when it comes to preparing copy for our site customer proof is an afterthought. It’s not just about having some testimonials and calling it good, but crafting customer proof that sells for you. Well done customer proof can help do the heavy lifting as people decide whether or not to buy from you.

Items Discussed in this Episode:

  • How do customer proof and copywriting go together?
  • Think of customer proof as storytelling, not just having a bunch of quotes on your site
  • The problem with negative social proof is and how to avoid it
  • How to strategically place the different kinds of customer proof on your site: small quotes, case studies, client interviews, etc.
  • Don’t shy away from sharing your customer stories on social media, publicly showing your connection to your clients is a good idea
  • How to actually go about collecting customer proof and how to do it in a timely fashion
  • Some pointers on how to actually present the information from your clients in a way that speaks to a result potential clients can achieve by working with you

Tips for Creating the Content Once You Have the Customer Proof:

  • Always tell the story that speaks to the result. Every quote, every case study, etc. should speak to the actual impact and outcome the client got from working with you. You want a ‘before’ and ‘after’ feel.
  • Check your tone. Always make sure your tone is on point with your audience and actually sounds like your client would.
  • Keep it short, especially with your quotes. Less is actually more.
  • When you’re actually writing your customer proof, look at the rest of your content to figure out where you want to actually place them. You want the quote to fit in with everything else on the page.
  • Make sure when you interview a client that you have a plan in place to get specifically what you need.
  • Don’t let customer proof be an afterthought. Social proof is so powerful that really great social proof is more motivating to buyers than a discount.

Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode:

  1. When it comes to customer proof, always think about the storytelling and ‘before’ and ‘after’ effect for the client.
  2. Be very intentional and intelligent about how you will be using the social proof. How you’re going to write it should be dictated by the form and the medium you’re going to use to present it.
  3. Don’t let your case studies be something you scramble to get. Ask your customers and create time on your calendar to get the feedback. This is gold in your business!

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