Grow Your Business Online marketing strategy

The Unsexy Secret: It’s All About Consistency

blog 7.23

A few weeks ago, I was asked by a new prospect what I thought the big difference was between good online businesses and ones that were truly great.

I think she may have been looking for a much more exciting or sophisticated answer than the one I produced without missing a beat.

My answer? Consistency.

Definitely not what people want to hear. And seriously unsexy. But this is what makes all the difference. Especially in a world that’s lacking face-to-face connections.

Why? Because being consistent is harder than it looks.

If you’ve been in business for more than a hot minute, you know exactly what I’m talking about. That rhythm of the same things over and over can be soul sucking, especially when you’re bursting with new ideas and things you can’t wait to do.

If you can show up and consistently offer value, your audience will notice. They’ll trust you that much more because if you can arrive in their inbox every Wednesday, they can rest assured that you’ll deliver their new website, ebook, or copy that they’re paying you for on time.

As a marketer, I can offer you up a million ideas on what you could do, but if you can’t execute on consistency, it’s not going to matter. Showing up every day, every week is what builds a rock solid foundation that gets results.

So how does a highly motivated but innovative and fun-loving entrepreneur who doesn’t love the grind make consistency happen?

Put Your Ideas on Hiatus

It’s WAY more fun to dream up new ideas and make big plans than to do the simple daily tasks that breed consistency.

The problem with all those ideas is that they tend to feel like you must act on them all right now. Especially if you’re like me and you have high innovation where ideas are flying around 24/7. Next thing you know, you’ve dropped everything to pursue a new idea at the expense of everything else.

The surefire solution is what I call an “idea hiatus,” where you literally stop acting on your ideas. In my case, this has been a huge relief as I park my ideas in a notebook and come back later.

If you’re a thrill-seeking, idea-generating machine, I challenge you to put your ideas on a break for 30 days. You just may be surprised at how much calmer you feel, as you’re not off on a random tangent and distracted by shiny objects.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Lose the shiny object syndrome and try this to build your biz.” quote=”Lose the shiny object syndrome and try this to build your biz.”]

Eliminate Any and All Excuses

Even the things you love can be a drain at times.

It’s time for a confession. As a writer, there are weeks when I’d rather do anything else than write a blog post. Or times that I’d like to never record a podcast episode again.

Content creation is a grind. As soon as you’ve got one piece of content done, there’s another one waiting for you. So it’s easy to start making excuses and talk yourself out of it.

Once you’re on the excuse train, it’s hard to get off, and next thing you know a month passes by and you’ve not sent an email out or posted a new blog post. Losing momentum can kill your mojo for good.

My solution? Eliminate any and all excuses. For me, I’ve realized that all the steps to get content out into the world bog me down, so I’ve created systems and processes to hand this off to my super capable and amazing team. Now, I can’t make excuses because I have one job to do. I’m the talent, the content creator, so I should be able to show up and do my thing.

Systems may seem like overkill, but I can’t even tell you how many times this saves me from myself. While I can make the “call” not to publish in a given week, I don’t because I know my team is relying on me as well as my readers.

If you’re riding the excuse train, create a system and recruit some help – even if it’s a friend to help you stay accountable.

Clarity Breeds Consistency

More cases than not, a lack of consistency is result of being unclear. I see this time and time again with my clients and in my own business. The times when blog posts, email or social media aren’t going out regularly, it’s because there’s no real plan for what needs to be said or what should be happening.

Clarity breeds consistency. When you’re unclear, you get tied up in knots and overthink everything. But when there’s a solid, clear plan in place, you can go into autopilot and get it done.

But how do you actually create that consistency? Some of my favorite ways include:

  • Creating a 90-Day Marketing Plan. (You can grab a template here.)
  • Brainstorming 3 to 6 months worth of blog posts based on your upcoming business goals.
  • Rolling out new ideas as tests only. If you’re doing a podcast, try a season with 10 episodes. A new program? Offer it first as a small group beta.
  • Getting clear on your voice and story so you can create content that’s on point. (Get the Storytelling Shortcut to help you with this.)

So, are you ready to get consistent? What’s your game plan based on the action steps in this post? Comment below.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Consistency may not be sexy, but it gets results. New blog post.” quote=”Consistency may not be sexy, but it gets results. New blog post.”]

Grow Your Business Online marketing strategy

When You Feel Like You’re Doing Your Business ALL Wrong

blog 7.16

Last week, I wrote about some crazy things I’ve noted in online business, including six figure success, and that post hit a nerve.

But one thing I heard over and over is that it resonated with many of you because you’re so tired of feeling like you’re doing “it” wrong. Your business, your marketing, your way of doing things (which actually are very aligned for you) feel wrong when judged by a particular set of standards.

The truth? That set of standards or modus operandi is wrong for many of us, and until we try doing things our way, we’re simply not going to know. And until we try a few things on for size that really don’t work, we won’t know either.

You’re not doing things all wrong. No one is. You’re learning and growing and evolving. You’re testing. Correcting. Tweaking. Fine-tuning.

This is ALL part of the gig, so when you’re feeling all kinds of wrong, even for a split second as you scroll through your Facebook feed, remember this – there is no wrong. Even the wrongs get you to the right.

Drop the judgments, go a little easier on yourself, and focus on these things instead:

#1. Tapping Into Your Special Something

We’re approaching after school special territory here, I know. But this little nugget that your mama, favorite teacher or other important person drilled into your head applies to your business, too.

And with good reason: skills are learnable and highly commoditized. So as a copywriter or designer or jewelry maker, the only difference you’ve got is you. People hire you for you first and your skills second. So if they don’t like you and don’t connect with you, it’s not going to happen.

Which is why we all need to stop trying to be something we’re not or creating this ridiculous smoke and mirrors image. Showing up as you are with exactly how you can serve NOW, no apologies, is what’s most important.

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, amplify what you do have. Communicate and show up in a way that works for you.

A Perfect example is a rather long conversation I had with friend earlier this week about where our personal/professional line is. In a world full of social media and Periscoping and endless “look at me” moments, it’s easy to feel like you need to broadcast your life.

For me, that’s not the way I roll. It makes me exceedingly uncomfortable to put my family in the spotlight or to dig deeply into parts of my life. Could I share them? Yes. Would more people connect with me? Likely. But I’d feel like a big old bag of crap and anxious as hell.

Great for some people, but it doesn’t just work for me. In the past I’ve had friends and colleagues suggest that stems from a lack of confidence or that I’m simply hiding. Not true, not even for a split second.

After years of struggling with this and wondering if there was something wrong with me, thanks to the Fascination Advantage System I have an answer. (If you’re not familiar with this branding/communication personality test, you need to check it out. It can be extremely eye opening!)

My primary advantage is Innovation (the language of ideas) and my secondary is Mystique, which is the language of listening. Mystique personalities tend to be understated and when they speak, they want it to be thoughtful and meaningful. In other words, I’m not built with the celebrity gene. I’m happy to do my thing, share my ideas and do it well, but only do it when it’s helpful and not just for entertainment purposes.

#2. Know that “Rules” are Made to be Broken

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m going to say it again. This cookie cutter/template/formula crap is just that – crap.

Think of these things as a starting point and then see what works for you. Not every single rule or concept is going to work for your business model or personal style, or even be right for your customers. And trying to contort your business to fit into a round hole when you’re a square peg is going to make for needless discomfort and drama.

You built a business to do things your way, so why are you torturing yourself by following a laundry list of rules?

Some rules, guidelines and best practices are going to work, some aren’t – and that’s all good. It’s your job to distill that down into your own version of success and make them your own. The key here is to be open to the rules and then break them, not just throw them all out at once.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Break the biz rules, just don’t fall victim to special snowflake syndrome.” quote=”Break the biz rules, just don’t fall victim to special snowflake syndrome.”]

Breaking rules is 100% encouraged, but don’t go breaking all of them to prove a point. I’ve seen one too many business owners delude themselves into eschewing all conventional wisdom in an effort to be a special snowflake and have it backfire.

Being so hell bent that you’re different and deciding that everyone else out there is doing it wrong doesn’t make you innovative or edgy. It makes you deranged, because you’re going to drive yourself into the ground trying to get where you want to go.

There’s always a lesson to be learned from those who come before us, so check your ego. See where you can dig in and use their successes to help you grow or find a new way of doing things.

#3. Please Sit Down

Take off your shoes and sit down. It’s far too easy to get swept away in a sea of negative self-talk and shoulds, and then you’re all tied up in knots.

You’re not wrong. But you may need to sit down and take a chill pill so you’re in the right frame of mind. Close down social media and get focused back on yourself. What’s your why, your goals, and your way of doing things?

The 24/7 always on, always connected way of online business is a massive problem and it holds us back in so many ways. It makes us feel bad when there’s really NO reason to be.

If you find yourself getting into this frame of mind, disengage. It’s the fastest route to ensuring you can keep your eyes on your own paper and not feel wrong about things that are perfectly fine.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Stay sane in the world of online biz by keeping your eyes on your own paper (New blog post)” quote=”Stay sane in the world of online biz by keeping your eyes on your own paper (New blog post)”]

Know it happens to ALL of us, but it’s up to us to learn how to deal with it. I’ve taken great care to unsubscribe, stop following and more to protect myself from those things that trigger me. Learn what triggers you and makes you feel less than, or worst like you want to throw in the towel or just throw up.

We’ve got limited time to work on our business, so stop wasting your time with things that make you feel like you’re doing it wrong. Find content and people who lift you up and make you better is a far better use of your precious time. Hone in on what works for you and how you can best serve and you’ll be well on your way.

What things do you feel like you’re doing wrong? How do you cope with them?

Business Strategy for Entrepreneurs customer experience marketing strategy PR for small business

The Real Secret of Running a Successful Online Business

blog 7.9

Friends, fellow entrepreneurs…lend me your eyeballs. For just a few minutes, and then you can get back to biz.

This hasn’t been an easy post to write. Not by a long shot, but it’s weighing on me. Literally nagging at me day after day after day. So here we go.

Something is seriously broken in our industry. I’ve written on this before and  shared my feelings about six figure talk, and it’s not about the money talk or sharing results, but rather, the fact we’re being conditioned like a bunch of mice in a science experiment to use that as our yardstick of success.

Don’t get me wrong, making six figures in your biz is a big deal. I know exactly how it feels to see it happen – having done it myself and for my clients.

But it’s a number. A number that may or may not work for you. Maybe your version of success is a $50K year or a $350K year. Whatever you want, decide for yourself and own it. This is your business, so don’t let it become a shorthand for how you measure success.

The truth is my six figures isn’t your six figures. I live in a town in rural Ontario, Canada. I likely have higher taxes, but an overall lower cost of living. I have socialized medicine by virtue of being Canadian and a husband with the Cadillac of benefits plans to cover the rest.

What’s worse than the fact that six figures is all relative is the fact that the six figure obsession in our industry has a dark side.

Cue the dramatic music. (I’m thinking some Star Wars Darth Vader type music would do nicely.)

There’s a laundry list of dark side issues, but here’s a few worth considering:

1. Six Figure “Success” is Quickly Becoming Meaningless

If you’re on Facebook, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When you do the newsfeed scroll you are inundated with promises of six figure success all day long.

Build your six figure social media business.
Create your six figure sales funnel NOW.
Learn how I made over $100K with this one marketing trick.

The list goes on and on and on. The real issue here is that even if you have real six figure success, this steady barrage of six figure promises devalues it. It makes us think that we can all ride in our our unicorns and party it up on our piles of sweet six figure cash that we made while we were sleeping.

This is SUCH a big challenge that as I’ve been writing a sales page for my new course (more on that coming soon), it took me days to be okay with pointing to some big client successes I’ve been a part of that are in the six figure zone. Quite frankly, it pisses me off that I need to labor over what are simple facts because I don’t want to be one of THOSE people.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m very proud to have been a part of these successes but owning that for my own marketing made me feel icky. Because six figure success is now a tired cliché.

I did decide to include them, but I crafted that copy with painstaking thought and detail so it made sense. This type of marketing preys on people and I’m unwilling to be a party to this. (We can see if I hit the mark when I launch in late August!)

There’s proof and then there’s promises. Often, I follow the trail to check out these people running ads with big fat promises and find out that they’re extremely thin on legit examples of who they’ve done this for.

Which brings me to my next point…

[clickToTweet tweet=”Six figure success talk is one big fat cliche. New blog post from @magspatterson” quote=”Six figure success talk is one big fat cliche. New blog post from @magspatterson”]

2. Real Success is a Pattern

Success isn’t one six figure year.

Or even creating your own six figure business.

What the true pattern of success is being able to do it again and again. It’s having the experience and skills to replicate that for your customers.  And six figures aren’t mandatory.

What’s more important than the money made is the concept of mastery. So much of our industry is based on the concept of “you need to only be a few steps ahead” thinking.

Sure, for some things that makes perfect sense, especially when we’re talking a new social platform or something that’s evolving all the time.

On the flip side, I’ve always had problems with this concept. And not because I think we need to know everything, but rather how this idea is taken to extremes. Being a step ahead doesn’t meant you can take a course or read a blog post and then turn around and regurgitate it all as an expert.

I’m all for moxie and being bold, but proclaiming to be the expert when you’re as fake as they come and sliding on shit does no one – most of all you –  any favors.

The intent behind being a few steps ahead is for you to internalize what you learn, then apply it, test it, tweak it and refine it over time, then share it.  And not just do it in your own biz. That’s too small of a sandbox to really figure out how to make something work, and it takes a narrow view of what success really is.

Do you need 10,000 hours? Probably not. But you need a lot more than 10 hours to be selling it as a service. If you’re new at something, get practice clients, beta your offering, then test and test and test some more.

Then you can point to consistent results. And consistency is the sweet spot in a world where half of small businesses fail.

As someone out there spending your money in this industry, pay attention to consistency as the mile marker.

Not the new person on the scene with one big launch that everyone’s celebrating, but the coach with 5 launches where you’ve seen them improve incrementally. Or the person with multiple successful businesses that’s quietly doing their thing in a way that’s to be admired.  Or the consultant you’ve been following forever that shows up in your inbox every Wednesday without fail.  Or the graphic designer who’s been creating amazing brands forever and is so good that her business is 100% referral based.

Those are the people to look to: the quiet leaders, the unsung heroes, the super solid people you’d be proud to call your friend. Not the latest overnight success story, IT girl or fast talking guru, as they will come and go.

The consistent ones may not be sexy, but they’ve mastered their craft and are the right people to help you create success that sticks for the long haul.

And if you’re not sure about where to invest your money, remember that…

3. People Tell Big FAT Lies on the Internet

You’re shocked, right? We all know that people lie on the Internet, which is why you can bet your bottom dollar that many of these people shilling their six figure fix/solution/magical potion to you via Facebook and other mediums are full of shit.

Don’t believe me? I had a rather eye-opening conversation with some entrepreneurial friends not that long ago. (Places and names obscured as I’m not here to out people or point fingers.) More than one example of trumped up success stories and promises were discussed and this is NOT the first conversation of this nature I’ve had. From grossly exaggerated income to out-and-out lies, it’s happening out there. ALL.THE.TIME.

There’s many reasons people lie about stuff, from a serious lack of integrity right through to feeling that this is how it’s done. Whatever the reason, it’s not okay. Any time you feel the need to stretch the truth or push beyond the limit of what’s actually true, please stop. (And if anyone tells you to do this – fire them immediately.)

The goal should always be the strongest verifiable claim. That is, the best evidence you have that you do what you say you’re going to do. Sure, polish it up and make it look good, but don’t cross the line.

For those of you that are now questioning your faith in the online business world, this isn’t meant to be alarmist.

It’s the Internet, people lie all the time – so it’s up to us to turn up the BS radar and figure out what’s what.  You’d do the same if you were online dating, right? So do yourself a favor and get a healthy dose of skepticism to protect your bank account and biz.

Embracing the dark side and being wise to it may seem unpleasant or negative, but the reality is it exists. It’s real. And it’s not going away.

If you’re going to succeed and do it on your own terms with an online business, you need to be aware of the dark side. That gives you the power to consciously choose to create something genuine and true as you work on running a successful online business. For you to not fall into the lure of those that choose to play this way.  The online world needs MORE people with high integrity and low BS.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Embracing the dark side of online biz from @magspatterson” quote=”Embracing the dark side of online biz from @magspatterson”]

Business Strategy for Entrepreneurs marketing strategy sales

Your Official Guide to Selling Without Feeling Sleazy

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You’ve probably heard it before: “I’m bad at sales” or “Oh, I’m just not really a sales person.”  Hell, you’ve probably uttered it from your lips or at least said it in your head.

And it needs to stop. It’s the worst form of self-sabotage as the boss of your business and it will wreak serious havoc on everything in your wake. If you don’t sell anything, you’re not going to have a business for very long.

For years my mother has joked with me that I can sell anything and is completely mystified by this magical sales ability I seem to possess. So, do I have a special superpower? A natural talent for being able to sell?

While I’d like to think I have superpowers and am some type of modern day business Wonder Woman, I really don’t in this department. Which is good news for you, as you, too, can become an amazing salesperson. Best of all, you can engage in selling without feeling sleazy.

Here are some ideas to make sales so much easier:

It All Starts with Confidence

Don’t worry, we’re not going to talk about learning how to walk with swagger. The confidence I speak of is in the product or service you’re selling.

If you think what you’re selling is a complete and utter piece of crap, it’s going to be hard to actually convince anyone they need this.

If you’re selling yourself or the services you provide, you’re going to have to work hard to figure out why exactly you’re not confident and fix it. Easier said than done, I know, but if you’re not confident all the flippin’ time in what you have to offer, maybe it’s the wrong thing or you’ve got to work on your value proposition.

Over the years, I’ve sold everything from rubber stamps to high-end consulting services, and the real reason I excelled at this is that I believed 100% in what I was selling.

If I don’t believe in a product, I can’t sell it. End of story. And I’m willing to bet you’re the exact same.

Over the last year, I’ve stopped product launches for things I didn’t entirely believe in or that weren’t quite right. I’ve decided that until I can sell it enthusiastically, I won’t sell it at all.

Life’s too short to sell shit you hate.

That’s why by the time I launch my course this Fall, I’ll have spent 9 months working on it. (Cue the pregnancy parallels, because some days having a baby feels like it would be way less work!)

So, if you’re struggling to sell your thing, take some time to figure out if you can improve it so you’re confident offering it up. And if you’re struggling with overall confidence, do what it takes to get to a point where you believe in yourself and your offering enough to make it a success.

[Tweet “Life is too short to sell shit you hate. New blog post from @magspatterson”]

Selling Doesn’t Have to be Sleazy

The way selling is done on the Internet has a distinctly masculine energy to it at times. It’s bold, ballsy and in your face.

When we’re consuming a consistent diet of high pressure, make money while you sleep, dude-tastic sales tactics, it’s no wonder that we start to think that selling is sleazy.

It’s not. It doesn’t have to be. Not for a second.

Flaming, flashing red buy now buttons aren’t mandatory to do business on the Internet.

How you sell can be done in a way that’s service-based and with good intentions. You can take the same proven persuasion principles and conversion strategies that work for the dude entrepreneurs and make them entirely yours. All with your soul intact.

Two of my favorite examples of people who do this incredibly well in our industry are Natalie MacNeil and Racheal Cook. They sell beautifully and do it in a way that’s clear, thoughtful and highly effective.

So instead of declaring sales as sleazy and making it way harder than it needs to be, become a student of people that you do vibe with and how they are selling their thing. Watch and learn so you can make it your own and not feel like you need to jam your business into a soulless formula that doesn’t serve you ﹘ or your potential customers ﹘ well.

Make Systems Your Sales BFF

Selling is only one part of your role in your business, which is why you need to create systems to support your sales process.

Whether you’re selling a product (such as an e-course) or a one-on-one service, your systems can do a lot of the heavy lifting to make sure the details are taken care of.

While this seems like the most obvious thing to say, if you can remove yourself from key pieces of the process, you actually will have fewer chances to sabotage it.

Key places you can create systems for in your sales include:

  • Booking
  • Billing/Invoicing
  • Contracts
  • Consult calls
  • Payments
  • Email communications
  • Proposals and quotes

Take a look at each of these to see where you can remove yourself with either a system, tool or a team member to ensure that you’re focused on the area where you’re most valuable. (Hint: That’s usually in the part that involves talking to people or sealing the deal.)

Finally, a big part of your sales system needs to be your marketing, which is a whole other cup of tea, but take some time to figure out how you’re going to get people from discovering you to buying. And posting your wares randomly in Facebook groups under the guise of feedback is NOT a sales system. (More on Facebook groups and good manners in this guest post on Jackie Johnstone’s blog here.)

Map out the steps it typically takes for a client to go from finding you to purchasing from you. If you aren’t sure, ask your newest clients for their insight, including how long they’ve been following you. Those blog posts, emails and everything else that you think no one reads or aren’t working may be your sales secret sauce after all.

If you need a helping hand with systems and customer experience, watch out for next week’s post that will share a new (free) resource that you won’t want to miss.

So, where do you need help to make your sales process feel and flow better? Taking action in this area, no matter how uncomfortable you may be is critical to your biz success in the long run.

[Tweet “You can sell online and not be a total d-bag. New post from @magspatterson”]

marketing strategy The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #55 – Attracting the Right Clients with Yasmine Khater

episode 55

The copywriting series continues and I’ve invited Yasmine Khater to talk about attracting clients and figuring out your services on today’s show. While it may not be copy, this is one of the things that I find easily trips people up when it’s time to get your website ready.

Items Discussed in this Episode:

  • How do we go about finding the right clients for you? There is no magic formula, but there’s ways to save time doing it.
  • Yasmine explains how to go from having a client who is interested to a converted sale.
  • Focus on understanding what your client really wants and who they are is key to turning an interested client into a sale.
  • Dig deeper into yourself and what you like to do, along with what you are good at as you figure out your services.
  • Yasmine points out the things we need to keep in the back of our minds when we’re communicating with our clients as far as sales psychology goes.
  • Why being more focused can get you more money in the door right now.
  • What is ‘messaging breakdown’ and how can you fix it.

[Tweet “Business is a work in progress says guest @yasminekhater #marketingmoxie #podcast”]

Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode:

  1. Before you create the offer, you really need to understand the customer. Just having the copy and all the launch elements doesn’t mean you’re selling something that is actually needed. People buy based on an emotional reaction. Do your homework up front to save you pain and frustration later!
  2. Create a plan for content that makes sense and serves your business model. Think about you can create a really cohesive set of content that makes sense.
  3. If pushing through fear is causing you to spin out, then you need to really examine where the root of your fear comes from. Working on your emotions to not feel that fear can be hugely beneficial to your business.

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Links for this Episode:

Yasmine Khater

Yasmine’s Free 10 Day Earn 5K Bootcamp :

Link to Free Marketing Moxie Facebook Group

marketing strategy The Marketing Moxie Show

Episode #48 – Mix Up Your Marketing for 2015

episode 48 graphic

Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to your marketing or does it feel like what you’re doing doesn’t connect?  It’s time to mix up your marketing!

When we’re always ordering the same thing off the “menu” week in, week out, we’re missing prime opportunities to reach new people and holding ourselves back from growth.  Which is why I’ve created the #moxiechallenge for you – which I’ll run periodically in 2015 to help push you out of the comfort zone. And don’t worry, I’ll be playing right along with you.

Items Discussed in this Episode:

  • Why do we keep doing the same things if they don’t connect with our audience or work very well when it comes to marketing?
  • Why I want to stop playing it safe, and what this has to do with turkey sandwiches
  • Why trying new things and experimenting is necessary in 2015
  • My ‘sandbox’ concept for my business this year
  • My 5 ideas for my #moxiechallenge to you

[Tweet “Are you stuck with the same old marketing? Take the #moxiechallenge with @magspatterson.”]

Top 5 Ideas for your #moxiechallenge:

  1. LinkedIn Publishing: Why not use the community you’ve already built on LinkedIn to share your content? (Resource blog post on LinkedIn publishing)
  2. About Page: It shouldn’t be about you, it should be about your audience. About pages need TLC, they are probably one of the most visited pages on your site. (About page resource.)
  3. Storytelling: Write 3 stories connected to your business. Storytelling is what humanizes us and makes us memorable. (Resource: Blog post on storytelling)
  4. Guest Posting: Give guest posting a try. It may not generate mega traffic to your site, but putting yourself out there creates credibility for you. (Resource: Pitching Quick Start Guide)
  5. Interview One of Your Clients: Talk to them about the work you did together and how it impacted their business. (Resource: Voice of Customer Blog Post)

So, what’s it going to be? How will you get your #moxie on for the #moxiechallenge? Share with me on Twitter (@magspatterson) or in the The Playground group on Facebook.

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Links for this Episode:

The Cellar Club

Free Pitching Quick Start Guide


Link to Free Marketing Moxie Facebook Group

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Moxie Minute: How Do I Save Time with My Marketing?

moxie minute

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The Moxie Minute: Should I Slowdown for the Summer?

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The Moxie Minute: Should I Hire a Business Coach?

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